
Human Prostate Gene DataBase

Name prostate stem cell antigen
Symbol PSCA
Gene Product
  • prostate stem cell antigen
  • Amplification in Prostate cancer
  • Over expression in Prostate cancer
SummaryProstate stem cell antigen; localizes to the cell surface where it is anchored by a GPI linkage
Gene Ontology
EST (103 ESTs, 48 libraries)
Tissue ? Frequency ? Count ?
adipose (1/10)1.000 1/2445
blood (1/27)0.029 2/40686
brain (1/204)0.027 2/362011
cervix (2/7)0.008 2/28115
colon (2/853)0.102 7/165626
embryo (1/19)0.014 2/37976
eye (1/33)0.120 1/93836
germ cell (1/7)0.053 3/57383
heart (1/22)0.005 1/55494
kidney (1/86)0.004 1/132968
lung (3/312)0.107 6/245386
pancreas (2/33)0.023 5/117255
placenta (5/342)0.280 5/157762
prostate (6/291)0.067 24/109871
skin (3/31)0.905 9/100815
stomach (7/312)0.922 15/129930
uncharacterized tissue (10/1773)0.084 17/713325
SAGE (4172020 tags, 75 libraries)
Tissue ? Frequency ? Count ?
brain (9/19)0.030 11/614104
cerebellum (1/1)0.086 2/102560
colon (3/8)0.037 6/291896
eye (5/6)0.224 41/495508
kidney (1/2)0.053 1/41857
liver (1/1)0.033 1/66861
lung (1/1)0.013 2/178286
mammary gland (9/19)0.040 13/545840
ovary (5/10)0.045 11/298539
pancreas (5/8)0.538 48/193084
prostate (4/13)0.039 5/319566
skin (2/7)0.121 2/34029
stomach (3/3)1.000 37/227799
uncharacterized tissue (7/22)0.045 11/575340
vascular (3/3)0.025 3/186751
EvidenceAmplification in Prostate cancer Over expression in Prostate cancer

© 2002, PGDB, All Rights Reserved.
Department of Urology
Universityof California, San Francisco