
Human Prostate Gene DataBase

Name core promoter element binding protein
Symbol COPEB
Aliases GBF; ZF9; BCD1; CPBP; KLF6; B cell-derived 1; B-cell derived 1
Gene Product
  • core promoter element binding protein
  • Mutation in Prostate cancer
SummaryThis gene encodes a nuclear protein, core promoter element binding protein. This protein has three zinc fingers at the end of its C-terminal domain, a serine/threonine-rich central region and an acidic domain lying within the N-terminal region. The zinc fingers of this protein are responsible for the specific DNA binding with the guanine-rich core promoter elements. The central region might be involved in activation or posttranslational regulatory pathways, and the acidic N-terminal domain might play an important role in the process of transcriptional activation. This protein is expressed in several tissues, with the highest levels in the placenta. It is a trancriptional activator, capable of activating transcription approximately 4-fold either on homologous or heterologous promoters. The DNA binding and transcriptional activity of this protein, in conjunction with its expression pattern, suggests that this protein may participate in the regulation and/or maintenance of the basal expression of pregnancy-specific glycoprotein gene and possibly other TATA box-less genes.
EST (343 ESTs, 154 libraries)
Tissue ? Frequency ? Count ?
blood (3/27)0.006 15/40686
bone (2/13)0.002 2/26211
bone marrow (2/263)1.000 13/38555
brain (8/204)0.002 18/362011
colon (16/853)0.156 28/165626
ear (1/2)0.002 2/12660
embryo (3/19)0.001 12/37976
esophagus (1/6)0.007 2/3022
eye (7/33)0.012 30/93836
germ cell (1/7)0.010 1/57383
head and neck (3/990)0.033 3/79796
heart (1/22)0.000 1/55494
kidney (5/86)0.000 11/132968
liver (3/38)0.001 4/46472
lung (18/312)0.006 40/245386
mammary gland (1/1)0.022 5/2313
muscle (1/21)0.001 1/71297
nervous (2/475)0.004 3/43438
oral cavity (1/18)0.000 2/44567
ovary (5/144)0.005 10/81880
pancreas (9/33)0.001 19/117255
placenta (4/342)0.001 6/157762
prostate (4/291)0.002 7/109871
skin (4/31)0.002 12/100815
stomach (6/312)0.076 21/129930
testis (3/171)0.000 4/117531
thymus (1/17)0.003 1/5021
uncharacterized tissue (29/1773)0.009 45/713325
uterus (8/212)0.001 23/155110
SAGE (10208860 tags, 196 libraries)
Tissue ? Frequency ? Count ?
blood (1/1)1.000 10/194092
brain (17/19)0.266 49/2039176
cerebellum (1/1)0.640 4/205120
colon (7/8)0.738 48/1110398
eye (5/6)0.609 21/1115906
foreskin (1/2)0.576 1/9497
heart (1/1)0.324 4/253071
kidney (1/2)0.784 6/41857
liver (1/1)0.245 3/133722
lung (1/1)0.522 9/178286
mammary gland (13/19)0.751 70/1365890
muscle (2/2)0.288 5/269309
ovary (7/10)0.716 28/602109
pancreas (7/8)0.608 28/429555
prostate (8/13)0.535 19/455277
skin (3/7)0.651 5/39547
stomach (2/3)0.319 8/202497
uncharacterized tissue (17/22)0.525 71/1242628
vascular (3/3)0.590 19/320923
SNPrs1050046 (C/A:locus-region);  rs17658 (G/A:locus-region);  rs1062673 (C/G:locus-region);  rs1043003 (A/G:locus-region);  rs7634 (T/A:locus-region);  
EvidenceMutation in Prostate cancer

© 2002, PGDB, All Rights Reserved.
Department of Urology
Universityof California, San Francisco